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2023-08-25来源:网络阅读: 1289


[Chinese model] Traditional Chinese medicine outstanding figures report


Chinese famous tumor Chinese medicine expert —— Ma Fa tiger


Health is the eternal pursuit of mankind. To implement the Healthy China strategy is to safeguard people's health at the source. TCM embodies profound philosophical wisdom and thousands of years of health preservation concept and practical experience of the Chinese nation. It has a unique view of life, health, disease and prevention and treatment, and plays an irreplaceable role in a healthy China. Traditional Chinese medicine originated from the people and is based on the grass-roots level. Countless people at the grass-roots level stick to the unique feelings of traditional Chinese medicine, solve many difficult diseases with unique thinking and methods, and write many legendary stories with their superb medical skills. In the ranks of grassroots Chinese medicine, Shaanxi folk Chinese medicine is a banner of grass-roots Chinese medicine. He leads his medical road with "essence" and "honesty", persistent pursuit, adhering to the belief of "benevolence, cultivate morality and help the people" to protect the people's health. He is the "gatekeeper" of the grass-roots people and the builder on the road of healthy China.


Individual Resume:


Ma Fahu: male, born in 1962 in Yangling, Shaanxi province. Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners.


Engaged in cell TCM research for more than 40 years, excavating the mechanism of action of traditional Chinese medicine on cells, and finally succeeded in breaking, tumor, leukemia! After clinical verification, for middle and early tumors, the image was reduced by 10 mm, CT as evidence, seeking national verification development. For leukemia, 15 days to control the acute phase of lesions, half a year to a year of rehabilitation, national standard, telephone 13909248628, address: Yangling, Shaanxi


To the world people —— also the truth and essence of TCM science


The Americans recently discovered the largest organ of the human body (that is the traditional Chinese medicine meridian), shocked the world, in fact, as early as thousands of years ago, was discovered by the traditional Chinese medicine, and guide the clinical. It is the meridian that we Chinese are familiar with, and is passed down, but the description has a little deviation.


The announcement is as follows:


Broad meridians: it is the way for the human body to run qi and blood, including meridians and collaterals. The meridian is the trunk, like a way; the collaterals is a branch, like a network. They are the internal organs, external branches, communication, through the upper and lower, the internal organs and external organizations, organs into an organic whole, so that the functional activities of the personal departments to maintain a relative coordination and balance. It includes the circulation, microcirculation and tissue fluid circulation of modern medicine...


Special meridian: is the cell gap, tissue gap, organ gap and all intradermal tissue gap, organ gap, network, namely meridians, it is tissue fluid, intercellular fluid, cell fluid filled respectively, like air filling the earth's surface space, everywhere, meridians are human cells for nutrients and exchange directly, namely nutrients through circulation, microcirculation, nutrients to the meridians, eventually by the meridians to cells, otherwise cells, metabolites through meridians, microcirculation, circulation, finally realize human body metabolism, complete life activities.


Chinese medicine for thousands of years, to open a large number of disciplines, such as massage, massage, acupuncture, Chinese medicine decoction is specialized in meridians, the americans, the body's biggest organ is traditional Chinese medicine meridians, just with modern science to reveal ancient medical guiding principles of meridians, provide scientific basis for the revitalization of ancient Chinese medicine, uncover the modern scientific principle of traditional Chinese medicine, inject new vitality into the development of ancient medicine.


In nearly 30 years, we through a lot of clinical validation, found the Chinese and western medicine, the microcirculation of western medicine, tissue liquid circulation, basic is the meridian circulation of traditional Chinese medicine, jin fluid circulation, fluid circulation, that is to say, traditional Chinese and western medicine finally through the meridian circulation, microcirculation realized the unity of the cure, they are the two aspects of the medical whole, is the same whole life science.


We are guided by the meridian circulation, using "bone washing myeloablative therapy", the condition injection, intention discharge, strengthen the meridian circulation method, break many modern medical problems, break through a lot of medical difficulties, also confirm the meridian circulation is not only the guiding principle of ancient medicine, is also the guiding principle of modern medicine.


Breakthrough a leukemia: a large area of damp and humid bone marrow meridians... generally January effect, half a year to a year recovery.


Breakthrough two tumors: human meridians local barrier changes, precipitation, accumulation, alienation of tumor... in the early surgical cancer tumor generally effective in a month, half a year to a year of recovery.


Breakthrough three hypertension: large area of human meridians blockage... generally January effect, half a year eradication.

突破四糖尿病:人体胰腺经络阻隔,并阴虚内热……  一般一月改变合并症,一年基本康复。

Breakthrough four diabetes: human pancreatic meridian barrier, and Yin deficiency internal heat... generally change in January, a year basic recovery.


Breakthrough five tracheitis: large area of tracheal meridians blockage, function decline... generally January effect, half a year to a year recovery.


No matter how to say, meridians is for thousands of years, our ancestors with a lot of hands-on practice, is to guide the general principles of ancient medicine, now the Americans found the biggest organs (is our TCM meridians), provides scientific basis for us, reveals the mystery of traditional Chinese medicine, with modern science proved the complete correctness of ancient medicine...


   In short, meridian is the great achievements of Chinese medicine, is our medical achievements, we have been applied, Americans just with modern science to prove its correctness, cannot be the achievements of the Americans, otherwise very unfair, so tell the people around the world, and please the network elite and traditional Chinese medicine elite, joint, voice, to set the record straight, great reduction belongs to our motherland medicine (meridian is personal biggest organ), the revitalization of traditional Chinese medicine, win honor for our country, the benefit of mankind.thanks!!                                                             发起单位:马发虎中西医研究所

Initiated: Ma Fahu Institute of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine


On March 31,2018


 Annex: The discovery of a huge new organ in the human body will subvert the previous human cognition


The study of the internal tissue structure of the human body has a history of thousands of years. Just as we thought we were familiar with our body structure, American researchers recently revealed that a new organ that had never been found before existed in the body, and that it was the largest organ.

这倒底是一个什么样的器官呢?为何之前一直没有被科学家们发现呢?那么现在我们就带着疑问地阅读下去,我们知道人体含有70%以上的水份,人体内的这些水份并非固定不动,而是通过体内介质来进行快速流通,这种体内介质就是今天研究人员发现的新器官。研究人员把这个新器官命名为“间质”,它存在于皮肤表层下方,用来连接动脉、静脉、肌肉筋膜,肠道, 肺等五脏六腑及泌尿系统等等所有器官和组织,被研究人员称为“液体流动的高速公路”。

What kind of organ is this inverted bottom? Why hasn't scientists been discovered before? So now we read with doubt, we know that the human body contains more than 70% of the water, the human body is not fixed, but through the body medium, which is the new organ found by researchers today. The researchers named the new organ "Interstitium," which exists below the surface of the skin and is used to connect arteries, veins, muscle and fascia, intestines, lungs and the urinary system. The researchers called it the "highway for fluid flow."


The team from New York University said the "interstitial" organs exist throughout the body in tissue intervals, more than half in the cells, and the other half in the heart, blood vessels, lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels. It may even be one of the largest organs in the body. The stroma is composed of strong collagen and flexible elastin connective tissue proteins, and the interstitial fluid moves throughout the process. Because the interstitium is the carrier of liquid and has a certain elasticity, another function in the body is to act as a "shock absorber".


According to the researchers, for years, humans have been relying on human fixed tissue examination using microscope slides to keep the largest human organ intact.


The discovery of interstitial organs will once again expand the anatomy of human tissue and reshape our understanding of human tissue structure. Scientists believe that the interstitial organ acting as a fluid "highway" could better explain why cancer can spread and spread more easily when invading certain parts of the body.


Do you believe that a 36cm * 28cm * 24cm gastric tumor in the human body can make a magical natural recovery? Don't believe it, but the reality really exists. It turns out that the human disease resistance is sometimes too strong, simply incredible.


The thing is like this, a patient with Baoji sanlu hospital fourth military medical university clinical identification for gastric tumor, surgical treatment, for some reason no treatment, then patients to buy the book treatment, massage tumor 6-8 hours a day, a day after three months, tumor body suddenly burst soft, the next day in the hospital examination, they said now no surgery, the longest life for three months, their end. However, after three months, the patient was not only healthy, but also had a large number of colloidal sticky particles seeping from the skin, often adhered to clothes, and had to take a bath every night. The patient precipitated the exudate in the sun and found discolored particles, first white, then red, and finally yellow. A year later, the larger particles in his body cruising smaller, in the appropriate channel discharge, and from head to toe discharge phenomenon, no limitations. The final discharge had a maximum necrotic 0.3mm*0.2mm epidermis of the size * 3cm. A total of three major bottles were collected. After a hospital to the examination of the pathological objects found that there was no cancer cells, all necrotic tissue. Finally, the patient asked the hospital to study how the tumor of his size disappeared, which may be helpful for the tumor treatment, but because the hospital charged, the patient abandoned the research. Because patients often pass by in front of my clinic, almost every time will let me see his changes, I also feel strange, such a big tumor, whether he is benign or malignant, as long as the discharge is a miracle. Later, after years of analysis, research and exploration, combined with a large amount of data and bone washing and myeloablative therapy, I finally found the method of tumor rehabilitation treatment.


 Related content is as follows:


The concept of tumor


Causes of tumors


Contents and epidermis of the tumor


Decolysis and expulsion routes of tumors


Whether the tumor spread will enter the blood circulation, lymphatic circulation, and produce sepsis


Where do the tumor cells swim in the body


In the form of the tumor


We need to continue to explore and benefit mankind.


Generally a month of effect, six months to a year of recovery.


Brief treatment of four cancer patients (illustrated) to demonstrate bone washing and myeloablative therapy


Summarize the first cancer patient (illustrated) to demonstrate the miraculous efficacy of myeloablative therapy


The patient, surnamed Xi, 47 years old, was diagnosed with left inferior peripheral lung cancer with mediastinal lymph node metastasis in Xi'an Jiaotong University in July 2016. The tumor size was 34.2×37×44.2mm, which was ineffective for two months. He recovered for half a year after bone washing and myeloablative therapy.


Summarize the cure process of the second cancer patient (illustrated) to demonstrate the miraculous efficacy of myeloablative therapy


The patient, surnamed Lv, from Zhou Zhi, Shaanxi province, 80 years old, consulted a doctor from Jiaotong University in Yangling Rehabilitation Hospital in June 2016. He was diagnosed with emphysema and lung cancer, and gave up treatment in the hospital.


Summarize the third cancer patient (illustrated) to demonstrate the miraculous efficacy of myeloablative therapy


The patient is Li, from Qishan, Shaanxi province, 47. In September 2016, I was diagnosed with a lung malignant tumor (right side, large cell carcinoma) in Tangdu Hospital of the Fourth Military Medical University. After ineffective treatment in Tangdu Hospital of Baoji Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, I was treated in our department for half a year and basically recovered.


Summarize the fourth cancer patient (illustrated) to demonstrate the miraculous efficacy of myeloablative therapy


Patient Liu, liu, 73 years old from Pingdu City, Shandong Province, was diagnosed with gastric cancer with lymphoma in Pingdu People's Hospital in September 2016, and was transferred to Beijing 301 Hospital for three months without treatment. After three months of treatment, most of him had recovered and continued under treatment.


For more details, please search on wechat:


Public account: Ma Fahu Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine


MicroID: Doctor-Mafahu


WeChat name: Tumor rehabilitation savior


Baidu search: Chinese contemporary famous tumor TCM expert —— Ma Fa Hu


Tel.: 13909248628

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